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Green Sky KC

for Pets

for Pets

for Pets

Happy. Healthy. Living.

All Mammals Have
Endocannabinoid Systems

Pets have an Endocannabinoid system too! As do all mammals. They benefit from supplementing cannabinoids with CBD products just like humans do. All mammals are also susceptible to Endocannabinoid Deficiency (ECS) which is being looked at as the root cause for several common diseases. This can be prevented by supplementing our pets with CBD cannabinoids so their ECS is not deficient.

CBD Will Not
Get Your Pet High!

THC (the cannabinoid that gets you “high”) is in Medical Marijuana, CBD comes from the Hemp plant. It contains very small trace amounts of THC, but not enough to get anyone or any animal “high”.

Ways to Intake
CBD for Pets

The most popular method of intaking CBD for pets is ingesting a CBD Treat or having CBD oil added to their food. You can also apply CBD oil sublingually, which is under the tongue and around the gums. This will decrease the time for the pet to feel relief as the CBD will enter the bloodstream quicker through glands under the tongue, whereas digesting CBD needs to go through the stomach intestines before reaching the bloodstream.

Continue Learning about CBD in the next section: Hemp History Timeline
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