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Chronological Timeline of Hemp

Hemp is a very sturdy plant, one that has stood the test of time. Hieroglyphics trace back to 8000 BC proving this plant has been used throughout civilization. 

8000 BC

5000 BC

2000 BC

4000 BC

1700 BC

1300 BC

800 BC

2696 BC

Archaeological findings in Europe and East Asia have been discovered showing records of hemp being used for fibers, pollen and combinations with fruit to ingest.

Hemp fiber imprints have been found on pottery dating back to the Neolithic Age in China (1)

A world renowned Textile expert, Elizabeth Barber explained in a publication that historical evidence proves that Hemp “grew and was known in the Neolithic period (4500BC – 3500BC) all across the northern latitudes, from Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Romania, Ukraine) to East Asia (Tibet and China)," (2)

Medical tablets found all over Mesopotamia proved they used Hemp as an Anticonvulsant and treatment for Epilepsy. Orally, topically and as an enema.

In a collection of ancient Egyptian medical manuscripts, the book, Papyrus Ramesseum III explains prescribing hemp for Glaucoma and as an Anti-Inflammatory

Berlin Papyrus is an Egyptian manuscript prescribing Hemp as an ointment to drive away fevers and as an anti-inflammatory medicine. (3)

Biblical God instructs Moses how to make holy anointing oil from “Kaneh Bosm” in olive oil

Shen Nung, the Father of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology. He wrote manuscripts published years later in the famous book, Pen Ts’ao Ching explaining his findings about hemp having a neuroprotective effect.


Medieval Germany and Italy prided themselves in fine cuisine dishes container Hemp. They have articles on cooked dishes, filings for pies, tortes and boiled hemp soup. (5)


John Parkinson was a British Royal Herbalist to King Charles I. He wrote articles about hemp roots being an effective topical treatment for tumors and other inflammations.

Hemp showed success in treating Cholera, Tetanus and the Bubonic Plague


Emporer Shen Nung Father of Chinese Medi


Queen Victoria’s personal physician, Sir Russell Reynolds prescribed Hemp Oil for her menstrual cramps.

450 BC

570 AD

200 AD

600 AD

800 AD

A Greek historian, Herodotus records Scythian rituals involving hemp flowers and hemp seeds. Scythians were nomads that traveled from Iran and central Asia to Southern Russian and Ukraine.

A famous Chinese physician and surgeon, Hua Tuo prescribed his formulation Mafeisan, which was an herbal anesthetic formulated from Hemp.

Toaist Wu Shang Pi Yao wrote a book called, Essentials of the Matchless Books. He describes adding Hemp to incense burning. (4)

Chinese history with Hemp is extremely extensive. The agricultural text Essential Techniques for the Welfare of the People, written by Qi Min Yao Shu explains in great detail cultivation of Hemp.

The earliest known document of Arabic pharmacology prescribes Hemp juice extract from flowers and seeds to treat migraines.

A Jewish philosopher, Mussa bin Maimun traveled from Spain to become a physician to the Egyptian Royal court. He too included Hemp in his prescriptions and healing remedies.




(1) Barber, E. J. W. (1992). Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean. Princeton University Press. p. 17.

(2) Barber, E. J. W. (1992). Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean. Princeton University Press. p. 18

(3) The Berlin Museum: Papyrus Berlin No. 3038. Berlin Sheet 7, line 8, prescription no. 81

(4) Russo, Ethan. (2007). History of Cannabis and Its Preparations in Saga, Science, and Sobriquet. Chemistry & biodiversity. 4. 1614-48. 10.1002/cbdv.200790144.

(5) Regional Cuisines of Medieval Europe: A Book of Essays (2002), edited by Melitta Weiss Adamson, ISBN 0-415-92994-6, pg. 98, 166

Continue Learning about CBD in the next section: Hemp History in the US
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