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Ways to Intake CBD

Having an overall understanding of the different ways to intake CBD will help in deciding which is best for you. For CBD to work, we first must absorb it into the body in order for the cannabinoid receptors, such as CB2 to reach the bloodstream and interact with our body’s Endocannabinoid System. How and when CBD reaches the ECS depends on the method of consumption. This is important to understanding the therapeutic benefits of CBD as the body absorbs CBD in different ways.


CBD can be swallowed, added to food, lathered onto the skin for topical uses, inhaled via smoke or vape, even swished around under the tongue for sublingual applications. This article explains each way to consume CBD.

Sublingual Application of CBD

By far the most popular method to taking CBD is placing CBD oils under the tongue for 30-90 seconds. This allows for the CBD to get diffused into the bloodstream through the salivary glands located underneath the tongue. The onset time generally happens quickly giving relief within 10-30 minutes. This method allows the CBD to bypass having to go through the stomach and digestive track offering a quicker relief, longer lasting affects (4-6 hours) and a clean way to take supplements. The leftover oil that does not get absorbed under the tongue can be swallowed and will still reach the blood vessels through the digestive track.


Most people living a CBD lifestyle take CBD oil 1-3 times per day sublingualy or Ingested to keep a constant flow of cannabinoids available to their Endocannabinoid System. Every ECS is specific to the body it maintains, so it is important to start with a low serving size and work your way up to what feels best for your body. Try to remember to not get frustrated if you do not see immediate results as the effects are NOT similar to a xanax pill whatsoever. Your body may be so deficient in cannabinoids that it needs several days to get it feeling healthy again. More and more studies are proving that maintaining a nourished ECS brings several health benefits to our body.

Ingesting CBD

When the body digests CBD, whether having a cup of CBD coffee, some form of edible such as a gummy or a CBD Chocolate bar it must first go through the digestive system. From there, the CBD travels to the hepatic portal system, through the portal vein and on into the liver. From there, it is finally delivered to the bloodstream. This process can take 30 minutes to 2 hours in order to feel the affects of the CBD.


The U.S. National Library of Medicine published a study, Human metabolites of Cannabidiol explaining how the liver metabolizes the CBD compound reducing the cannabidiol’s concentration levels before sending it to the bloodstream. However, the U.S. National Library of Medicine also published a study by Huestis in 2009 that suggests swallowing CBD with fatty acids may increase the absorption rate of CBD after ingested. Ongoing research and studies will continue teaching us the best ways of ingesting.


Inhaling CBD

When absorbing CBD through the lungs, the body can absorb a high amount of CBD entering the bloodstream immediately and the effects are felt almost instantly. Several studies have shown anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD have been greatly decreased with CBD. Inhaling CBD allows the effects to be felt almost instantly.


When you inhale CBD, the compound is quickly absorbed by your alveoli. Since our lungs have a large surface area, this happens very quickly. Once the CBD passes through the alveoli, it enters the bloodstream and that is when the effects are felt.


Although this method helps to feel the effects quickly, it does not last very long. The effects are not felt as long as other methods of intake. They typically only last 2-10 minutes after 1 puff however everybody's ECS' are different and will experience different time frames.

Applying CBD Topically

When applying CBD products topically, you get focused relief to a specifically chosen area. The skin absorbs the CBD and will interact with nearby cannabinoid receptors bringing relief to that targeted area.


Applying CBD topical salves, creams or lotions onto your skin will not allow the CBD to reach the bloodstream. This is because of our skin’s dermal barrier. Absorption rates applied topically are typically low, therefore lathering up a good amount will give your skin pores the best chances of absorbing the CBD and increase effective targeted healing.


The American Society for Clinical Investigation published an article on September 2, 2014 concluding that taking CBD topically vastly reduces swelling working as an anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidant. They also discuss the ongoing research suggesting how beneficial CBD is for Acne, Rosacea and Xrosis.


A study published in July 2016 researched the effects of CBD topically applied for arthritis as they are looking for an effective treatment without side effects. Such a product is not available on the market as of today. The study concluded that CBD significantly reduced joint swelling and pain. They ended with saying "Topical CBD application has therapeutic potential for relief of arthritis pain-related behaviors and inflammation without evident side-effects."

Continue Learning about CBD in the next section: The Endocannabinoid System
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